Buying new Tires or Wheels can be a daunting experience.
NAPA Auto Care Centers of Miami is dedicated to making the car tire buying experience easy, convenient, and comfortable for our valued customers. We use our expertise and knowledge to find the tire that’s right for your car and your wallet. Let our specialist walk you through the car tire buying experience.
Generally, there are two different factors that impact when to replace tires: wear and age.
Tire Wear: All tires eventually begin to experience wear. How the tire wears can be a indication of an issue with your alignment or tire pressure. Tire tread should wear evenly across the whole tire rather than on the inside or outside of the tire. The wear on your tires will happen regardless of how good of a driver you are, although it can be accelerated if you don’t take proper care of the tires.
Tire Age: Tire aging occurs when components of the tire, including the rubber, begin to change over time. This can happen due to environmental impacts and storage conditions, as well as the amount of usage the tire sees when being driven, or the tire sitting with no use.

5 Signs your Tires Need To Be Replaced
1. Tire Tread Looks Low
Tire tread is crucial to your vehicle’s ability to gain traction on various driving surfaces. It keeps your car stable on things like rain and ice, and without it, things get rough. Tread visually looks like grooves on the outside of the tire, and if you notice that they are becoming smoother and less defined, it’s time to think about new tires.
2. Uneven Tread Wear
Another sign is related to tire tread, but more so where it is occurring. Excessive wear on just one side points to your car being nonaligned or incorrectly inflated. Both issues are easy to figure out, especially with a trained technician. The process of uneven wear may have also been a product of other issues such as damaged springs or other parts, so whatever the case is, it’s worth a trip to your automotive care center.
3. Tire Vibration
This one’s a bit trickier. Tire vibration occurs when an alignment problem again, or even a damaged suspension, is putting extra pressure on your tires. Obviously, a rough road or unpaved path can lead to excess vibration, but you know your car best. If something feels “different”, trust your instinct and take the vehicle into a professional to make sure something isn’t off.
4. Tire Cracking Forming
A crack in a tire is obviously not a good thing. It’s a clear sign that things are less than operable and it’s time to look at some new rubber. If unnoticed or ignored, it can lead to a blowout, which is much worse than a simple tire repair.
5. Tire Warning Light On
This one is the most obvious, but if the tire light in your vehicle is coming on endlessly, even after inflation, it may be time to replace them entirely. For all tire needs and inquiries into whether it’s time to upgrade to a new pair or set, the Taylor Automotive Super Center is an invaluable resource to finding out what the next best step is for you and your vehicle.